By Jacquese Silvas July 31, 2020
W e have the power to influence the direction of our lives! Your way of thinking can take you places outside of what you ever imagined! Realize, we think all day long - the average person has about 50, 000 thoughts a day; some experts say 60,000 - 80,000, nevertheless, there’s constant action happening in the brain. That’s a crazy amount of stuff going on in our heads – sounds crazy powerful! So it’s reasonable to say that what we say to ourselves, and how we think on a daily basis can direct a lot of our actions. Time for some reflection, and maybe through the WORDS that we speak, we can begin to upgrade and reboot our lives! Let’s start by a little introspection! With all the twists and turns, and the uncontrollable events, are you on a run away train, or are you putting on the breaks to plot a new route? Are you putting in time and thought to direct the life you’d like to lead? What do you say to yourself, what are you speaking out loud, what are you communicating to your friends, family, acquaintances? Do an inventory on how you speak to yourself! It takes some effort, conscious thought, and actions to take the helm and put some old beliefs to rest in order to make room for new ones, flourishing ones! Today, decide that you’re ready to change your pattern of thinking. You’re going to hold any negative thoughts captive, and replace them with some on purpose, OUT LOUD reclamations. Start with waking up in the morning – look beyond what you normally see, and look for something subtle, that can bring meaning: a sunrise, a plant sprouting leaves, a tree thriving, the sky and its hidden wonders . . . something that reminds you that life is inexplicable and wondrous. Tell yourself today: I’m going to “make” my day a good one. Walk around with that attitude as you get dressed, as you brush your teeth, as you eat. Look in the mirror and SAY IT OUT LOUD! When you step out into the world to start the day - - arm yourself with some self-talk that promotes a "can do anything" boldness. Use your words to steer you in a direction that bring you LIFE! Complete an inventory of words that describe who you want to become, and use those words as your daily mantra. Pick some words: self-starter, punctual, happy, overcomer, achiever, a warrior, a winner, kinder, thoughtful, lively, healthy . . . create your own words. And then - look for ways to become that person you’d admire! Yes, words are your POWER - talk to yourself to promote and initiate outcomes that leave you wowing yourself. Positive words to yourself will annihilate the inhibitions, release the shackles, and get you moving toward living a happier more fulfilled life – a life on purpose.
By Jennifer Taylor May 1, 2020
I’ve. Been. There. A health scare that forced me to relook at how I was living. Really look at it. There were times when I fooled myself into having one more yummy sweet treat, or one more of my indulgent foods that a health nut would consider “bad for you.” I wasn’t feeling badly when I consumed the deliciousness of my desire; in fact, I unapologetically enjoyed my food. It was usually some time later when I would get on a scale that would leave me feeling wretched about my choices. That was until a physician told me that I needed to make changes because I risked the chance of getting diabetes. He recommended diet and exercise changes. I already knew that, but hearing it out loud was pretty scary. I felt like I needed to lose weight fast and I was determined now! But, I had no idea how I was going to achieve this. I read, researched, talked to fitness people; there was so much on weight loss, so many opinions and companies throwing their magic solutions all over the Internet. I tried a few things, with no big, lasting changes. Well, I found out there are no magic pills you can take or creams you can rub on your thighs, and the suggestion of eating veggies only was laughable. I was frustrated and depressed because all I saw was a number on the scale, and impossible solutions. My self-worth was tied into these unmoving digits.
By Jacquese Silvas March 30, 2020
The Quarantine Made Us Do It . . . MORE! More . . . . . . sleeping in . . . unplugging . . . comfy clothing . . . Zoom socializing . . . booming loud music . . . reading, reading, reading . . . dancing, dancing, dancing . . . streaming, streaming, streaming . . . remembering, appreciating, thanking, believing, reconnecting All of the above apply to me: what about you? The year 2019 ended abruptly, as if we were suddenly catapulted into a new year, a new period, a new season: 2020! I don’t think our present situation is what we all saw when we talked about this new decade! Some of these things I actually had on my 2020 goals: unplug, read more, reconnect! The year was a play on words: clearer vision – and now, well, maybe an edited version of that vision, or maybe a blank page! We are being forced to discover how to navigate in this new world of now! How do we spend our time! What’s next? There are lots of questions and pondering going on that may bring on some anxiety. We have so many unknowns because we’ve never experienced anything like this. Our society is very wrapped up in “connection!” The realization that we are very much dependent upon each other, and need one another has hit home like a brick shattering a window! I’m no stranger to loving, needing, and understanding commUNITY, but this COVID-19 has spotlighted just how big our community world is! And in comes technology to save the day to continue some sort of connection to our norm! Today, we sweated, pushed through, and utilized every single minute before our free online session cut us off! After I finished my umpteenth fitness class today, we all realized that we were working harder from our own corners of our quarantined locations – but, we were connected, still living, still laughing before closing the computer, and returning to our “quarantine solitude.” It was a moment that had me cocking my head: how quickly life can morph into something inconceivable. Our new normal could not have been predicted! It wasn’t that long ago that we were gathered in my studio for a sweat sesh with claims that 2020 was “our year!” It is still our year, guys . . . with a lot of unknowns, a little more of anxiety, a little more sleeping in, a little more reading, a little more of this, and a little more of that, and maybe even less of some stuff! Reflect on “the now,” keep that self-love up that we’ve now made time for. I think it’s going to be a momentous year, simply because we had to be braver, we had no other road to travel but the “unknown,” I think through this unfortunate period of mass contagion - we’re going to get to the other side with a clearer vision of just who we are, who we want to be, and with some spotlighting on what’s really important to us!
February 27, 2020
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